The members of this corporation adhere to the following beliefs:
October 21, 1964
Philosophy StatementThe educational philosophy of Morrison Academy is based on God’s truth as revealed by the Holy Spirit in God's inspired and infallible Word, the Bible, and in creation. (John 8:32; Romans 1:20; Revelation 4:11; John 17:3; Romans 3:10-12, 20; Romans 10:9-10; Matthew 6:10) Morrison Academy facilitates student learning by integrating Biblical truth with educational knowledge and applying the synthesis to life situations. (II Timothy 3:16-17; Ephesians 4:14-15; Titus 2:14; James 1:22, 2:8; John 3:14-18; Romans 8:9) The Morrison Academy teaching faculty must be born-again Christians who exemplify high moral standards based on Biblical values. (II Timothy 2:2; Philippians 3:17; John 3:7, 14–18) Morrison Academy partners with parents in their God-given responsibility of training their children. (Colossians 3:20; Romans 13:1) Revised by the Board of Trustees |
教育理念馬禮遜學校的教育理念奠基於上帝的真理,此真理由聖靈所啟示,彰顯在上帝所默示、話語無誤的《聖經》及創造之中。(約翰福音8:32,羅馬書1:20,啟示錄4:11,約翰福音17:3,羅馬書3:10-12, 20,羅馬書10:9-10,馬太福音6:10) 馬禮遜學校綜合聖經真理和教學知識,並將之應用在實際生活中,以促進學生的學習。(提摩太後書3:16-17,以弗所書4:14-15,提多書2:14,雅各書1:22, 2:8,約翰福音3:14-18,羅馬書8:9) 馬禮遜學校的教師必須是重生的基督徒,並且能根據聖經的價值展現出高的道德標準。(提摩太後書2:2,腓立比書3:17,約翰福音3:7, 14-18) 馬禮遜學校在上帝賦予家長培育子女的責任上與家長一起合作。(歌羅西書3:20,羅馬書13:1) 2024年9月12日董事會修訂 |
Purpose StatementMorrison Academy exists to glorify God by meeting the educational needs of the children of Christian missionaries throughout Taiwan. Revised by the Morrison Christian Association Members |
目的馬禮遜學校設立的目的是藉著提供全台灣基督教宣教士子女的教育需求,來榮耀上帝。 2019年3月5日瑪禮遜協會修訂 |
Core ValuesJesus Christ is central to Morrison Academy’s values. Morrison Academy’s core values are:
Revised by the Board of Trustees |
核心價值觀耶穌基督是馬禮遜學校價值觀的中心。 馬禮遜學校的核心價值觀:
2019年2月26日董事會修訂 |
Vision StatementThe vision of Morrison Academy is that every student will experience a quality, biblically-integrated education, so that each one will be equipped to impact the world dynamically for Christ. Revised by the Board of Trustees |
願景馬禮遜學校的願景是每一個學生都能體驗優質且結合聖經原則的教育,以期學生能主動且有效地為基督影響世界。 2010年11月16日董事會修訂 |
Vision For Our Learner (VFOL)A maturing Morrison student will be a:
Revised by the Board of Trustees |
2017年5月5日董事會修訂 |