The Trustees of the Morrison Christian Association shall serve as Trustees of Morrison Academy. As Trustees of Morrison Academy, this board shall have the responsibility for the management and disposition of the affairs of Morrison Academy, not inconsistent with the Certificate of Incorporation and the By-laws of the Association. The Trustees term of service will correspond with the fiscal year as defined in Policy #4430 ANNUAL AUDIT.
The Board of Trustees is a created body established according to the Certificate of Incorporation and By-laws of Morrison Christian Association. The Board has complete authority over school affairs when it is in a duly constituted meeting and serving as a legal body. The statements or actions by individual Trustees are binding only when acting in pursuance of a specific Board instruction.
In order to glorify God, the Board of Trustees shall carry out the following duties.
In accordance with the laws of the ROC, Morrison Christian Association will maintain a Juridical Person for the purpose of holding property and carrying out other legal requirements. The members of the Juridical Person shall be chosen by the Members of the Morrison Christian Association. Action of the Morrison Academy Trustees from Member Missions will constitute action of the Taiwan Provincial Juridical Person.
No seal of the Morrison Christian Association including: The New Jersey Corporation Seal, The Taiwan Morrison Christian Association Juridical Person chop, and The Taiwan Morrison Christian Association Juridical Person Chairperson’s chop shall be used for any purpose whatsoever not consistent with the express resolution of the Trustees. The Taiwan Morrison Christian Association Juridical Person Chairperson’s chop shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever except to represent him officially as such statutory representative, and then only as the law requires.
The Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee shall be responsible for the custody and constant safekeeping of each of these said three seals and to make them available for use as needed only in accordance with the above regulation. The Morrison Christian Association Juridical Person chop and Juridical Directors’ chops shall be secured by two different employees.
The qualifications for Trustees must be in compliance with the Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Association. Each Trustee of Morrison Academy, in order to qualify for such position, must give personal testimony of his or her faith in Jesus Christ and Christ's atoning work on the cross; and further, each Trustee shall subscribe to the Morrison Christian Association Statement of Faith.
Each Trustee should demonstrate wisdom and a commitment and loyalty to the position statements of Morrison Academy.
Other qualifications to consider are: governance experience, professional background, institutional memory and involvement in the Morrison community.
A Morrison Academy employee who is employed at least 0.25 FTE and any of the employee’s immediate family members may not serve as a Trustee.
A Trustee who has served more than 5 years may continue to serve should a family member be employed at Morrison providing the board deems that there are no significant conflicts of interest.
Member Mission Trustees
Each Member Mission shall announce at the annual meeting of the Members its selection of two Trustees to serve for a one or two year period. The two selections from each Member Mission will be certified at the Annual Members' meeting.
When one of the Trustees selected by a Member Mission is subsequently elected Board Chair, such organization shall thereafter be entitled to designate one additional person to serve as Trustee for the remainder of the school year.
Associate Trustees
The Board of Trustees shall have authority to annually select Associate Trustees to serve on the Board for a one or two year term with the same responsibility and authority as the Member Mission Trustees. However, the number of Associate Trustees selected shall not exceed one half of the number of Trustees selected by the Member Missions. Associate Trustees shall be subject to the same qualification requirements as Member Mission Trustees.
Trustees, upon election to the Board, take on certain duties and obligations as individual Trustees which include the following:
Under the guidance of the Governance Committee and the Superintendent, orientation shall be provided to new Trustees.
Failure to meet the qualifications of a Trustee or to carry out the responsibilities of a Trustee shall be grounds for removal from the Board. (See Policy 1110 Qualifications of Individual Trustees and Policy 1120 Responsibilities Of Individual Trustees,) When a Member Mission Trustee fails to meet the above qualifications and/or responsibilities, a request from the Board will be made to the Member Mission for the removal of said Trustee. The removal of an Associate Trustee or the request for the removal of a Member Mission Trustee must be decided by a minimum of 9 votes at a meeting in which all other Board members participate, either in person or by real time communication. After a Trustee is so removed, the Board will request a replacement according to Policy 1150 Replacement of a Trustee.
Any Member Mission Trustee vacancy occurring during their term should be filled by the respective mission, with official notification being made to the Board Chair and copied to the Superintendent in a timely manner.
Any Associate Trustee vacancy occurring during their term may be filled by a nominee selected by the Governance Committee, subject to Board approval. (See Policy 1115 Selection of the Board of Trustees).
Trustees of the Board shall receive no remuneration for the discharge of their responsibilities. They shall be reimbursed for all expenses related to Board and Board committee meetings or official school business which have been approved by the Governance Committee.
The Board of Trustees will monitor Morrison Academy’s alignment with the Purpose Statement, Vision Statement, and Core Values of the organization. To facilitate this, the Trustees will be provided with bi-annual alignment assessment results through the Superintendent. The assessment should be methodical and provide valid indicators of the degree to which Morrison’s programs, services and student culture align with the purpose, vision, and core values of the organization.
The Board shall select from its number a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The Board may select other officers as it deems necessary. The term of service for all officers of the Board will correspond with the fiscal year. The term of service for the Board Chair will normally be two years while the term of service for the other officers will be one year.
The Board Chair shall preside at full meetings of the Trustees and see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect. The Board Chair shall appoint, subject to confirmation of the Board of Trustees, all standing committees and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The Board Chair shall have the general powers and duties of supervision and management usually vested in the office of a corporate board chair.
The Vice Chair, in the Chair's physical absence, shall be vested with all the powers and be required to perform all the duties of the Board Chair.
The Secretary shall keep full minutes of all meetings of the Trustees. The Secretary shall attend all sessions of the Board, shall act as clerk, and record all proceedings. The Secretary shall provide official copies of the minutes to the Superintendent's office to be distributed.
The Treasurer shall serve as Chair of the Finance Committee.
The Board Chair shall appoint an Executive Committee which exercises the powers of the Board in the management of the business affairs and property of Morrison Academy during the intervals between the meetings of the Board. The Executive Committee shall include the Board Chair and one Trustee from each of the Member Missionary organizations. Executive Committee actions shall be reported to the Board at its next meeting. The term of the Executive Committee coincides with the fiscal year.
The Governance Committee will consist of at least three Trustees. One of the Trustees will serve as Chair of the committee. The committee's duties are listed below.
The Finance Committee shall consist of the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees serving as Chair, at least two additional Trustees, and the Director of Finance. The committee's duties are listed below.
For each campus a trustee will be appointed by the Board Chair to serve as the most visible representative of the Board on that campus. The Coordinator's duties are:
Reference: BoardSource Ten Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards 3rd Edition, Chapter 3
Prior to the first meeting of the year, the schedule of meetings will be set for the school year at such places and times as specified by the Board. No other additional notice of regular meetings needs to be given.
Special meetings of the Board may be called at the discretion of the Board Chair. Notice of such meetings shall be given at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Board Meetings may be open to individuals from the school and community by request to the Board Chair, or by specific invitation from the Board or Board Chair. The Board may request a closed session when deemed necessary. Non-Board members, unless invited to remain, will be requested to leave during a closed session.
The agenda for the Board will be prepared by the Superintendent and the Board Chair. Any trustee desiring a subject to be included will notify the Superintendent or the Board Chair of the matter ten days prior to the scheduled meeting. The agenda will be distributed to the Trustees at least five days in advance of meetings with supporting documents. The Superintendent shall arrange for the necessary supporting documents required to conduct a productive meeting.
The Board Chair shall conduct the meetings in accordance with bylaws of the association and policies, ensuring that each Trustee has an opportunity to be heard. The Board Chair may engage in the discussion of matters and motions before the Board. The proceedings of the Board at its meeting shall be governed by the prepared agenda, with the exception that items suggested for discussion or action from the table may be received at the discretion of the Board Chair.
When personnel matters are handled, the Board will ensure that the rights of individuals are respected. Proceedings are conducted in such a way that Christian ethics are employed with sensitivity at all times.
The Board Chair, in consultation with the Board of Trustees, may place items on the consent agenda. All the items on the consent agenda are considered as a group under one motion.
Consent items are those which are non-controversial and do not require discussion or explanation prior to Board action. Consent agenda items might include tasks such as, but not limited to, approval of the agenda, approval of previous minutes, approval of policies and approval of reports.
An individual Trustee may remove individual items from the consent agenda by a timely request to the Board Chair prior to the vote on the consent agenda. The request does not require a second or a vote by the Board. An item removed from the consent agenda will then be added to the meeting agenda for discussion.
Consent agenda items are approved by a unanimous vote of the Trustees present. The consent agenda items shall be separately recorded in the minutes.
The Minutes shall be distributed within one week of the meeting. The final copy of all Board Minutes shall be approved by the Board Chair and signed by the Board Secretary or in his/her absence by an officer of the Board. The Minutes of each Board meeting are to be posted on the school website. These Minutes shall also be made available to any individual upon request.
At the discretion of the Board certain minutes may be designated “Official Minutes Only” and distributed only to the Board of Trustees and the Members, as defined in Policy #1611.
Each Member Mission shall be entitled to two votes on matters requiring a vote by the Board. Associate Trustees shall be entitled to one vote on matters requiring a vote by the Board. A two-thirds majority vote is required on Policy matters, and a simple majority vote on all other matters before the Board.
The Board of Trustees is responsible for the adoption of policies governing the operation of Morrison Academy. These policies shall establish principles and organizational relationships to ensure that the purposes and best interests of the Academy are accomplished.
Policy proposals shall be submitted in writing to the Governance Committee. Proposed policies may be initiated by the Board of Trustees, individual Trustees of the Board, Board standing committees, the Superintendent, or Members of the Morrison Christian Association. Others who wish to make suggestions regarding Policy should follow the lines of authority as outlined in the organizational chart. (See Policy 2011 Organizational Chart).
Proposed new and revised policies will be presented to the Board by the Governance Committee at an official meeting of the Board for adoption or rejection. Subsequently, the Governance Committee will revise any rejected policies before resubmitting them to the Board.
When necessary, the Board of Trustees may make exceptions to Policy. If two or more exceptions to a policy are made within two fiscal years, the policy shall be referred to the Governance Committee for review and/or revision.
The Policy Manual of the Board will be available online. Board approved changes to the Policy Manual will be posted within two weeks of approval.
As a continuing process, the Governance Committee will review and revise the Policy Manual. The following sections shall be reviewed once every four years by the appropriate committees and recommendations made to the Governance Committee:
Board of Trustees Section | Governance Committee |
Administrative Organization Section | Governance Committee |
Personnel Section | Finance committee |
Finance and Operations Section | Finance Committee |
Instructional - Students Section | Governance committee |
Boarding Section | Governance Committee |
Either due to circumstances that occur or anticipated needs of the Superintendent, any Trustee, or any Board committee may recommend new policies.
From time to time action must be taken by the Superintendent which is not covered by any specific Board policy. In exceptional cases where action must be taken by the Superintendent, the Superintendent will consult with the Board Chair whenever possible. The Board Chair may choose to consult with the Executive Committee prior to advising the Superintendent.
The position statements of Morrison Academy consist of: the Philosophy Statement, Purpose Statement, Vision Statement, Core Values and Vision For Our Learners Statement.
All policies must be consistent with Morrison Academy’s position statements.
The position statements shall be regularly reviewed according to the schedule in the Trustee Handbook.
Morrison Academy is open to qualified employment applicants who are of good moral character, regardless of race, socioeconomic status, gender, nationality, age, or disability. Furthermore, each employee must agree with Morrison Academy's position statement and conduct their lives in conformity with professional, ethical and moral integrity.
As a Christ-centered school, Morrison Academy is committed to equality, inclusion, and access to high level, rigorous learning opportunities for all enrolled students regardless of race, language proficiency, socioeconomic status, gender, disability and/or religion. Each Morrison student will experience a quality, biblically-integrated education.
References: Vision Statement
Core Values
The Members of Morrison Christian Association are the four sponsoring Missions: The Evangelical Alliance Mission, WorldVenture, International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, and One Mission Society, each being represented by a designated proxy.
A Mission is defined as a Morrison Academy recognized evangelical Protestant body or sending agency which supports expatriate missionaries.
A missionary is an individual living outside of his/her home culture whose primary work is seeking to reach people with a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, or who is actively working in a supportive role alongside others who are carrying out this work. A missionary is sent out and supported by a church, mission, or other sending agency.
To be classified as a missionary by Morrison Academy, the individual must meet all of the following requirements:
A Christian worker is an individual whose primary goal is seeking to reach people with a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and who is employed or supported, and supervised by a Christian not-for-profit organization, church or other Christian sending agency.
To be classified as a Christian worker by Morrison Academy, the individual must meet the following requirements:
Taiwan Christian Worker
Off-island Christian Worker
Mission-supported personnel are personnel contracted from and paid through a mission.
Direct-hire personnel are personnel contracted and paid directly by Morrison Academy.
FTE is the acronym for “full-time equivalent”, and is used as the standard unit of measure for the salaried positions and/or employees of Morrison Academy.
Because Morrison Academy is a Christian school, the presentation of truth concerning Christian and non-Christian religions presented in a non-derogatory, non-hostile manner in accordance with the Academy's position statements is NOT considered harassment.
Bullying is the overt, unwanted, repeated acts or gestures, including verbal or written communications or images transmitted in any manner (including digitally or electronically); physical acts committed; aggression; or any other behaviors committed by a student or a group of students against another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the targeted student.
Harassment is an aggressive behavior or intimidating conduct. This includes a wide range of verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual or harassing nature. Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to the following:
Morrison Academy is committed to safeguarding the health, safety and well-being of every child entrusted to the school. We believe that all people are valuable and worthy of respect and care because they are made in the image of God. We believe that God is the Defender of the vulnerable and that the Lord Jesus cares for and values all children. Morrison Academy’s child safety policy has been developed with the purpose of creating a safe environment where children are protected and treated with respect and dignity and where adults’ behavior is above reproach.
Morrison Academy is a member of the Child Safety and Protection Network (CSPN). CSPN is a collaborative network of organizations intentionally and strategically addressing the issues of child protection.
When there is a concern or a report of harm to a child, Morrison will respond according to our policies and procedures. Morrison Academy is prepared to respond to all reports or allegations of child abuse and to take corrective action within the limits of its organizational jurisdiction. It will comply fully with the laws of the ROC with regards to any suspected case of child abuse. Violation of this policy or the related administrative procedures by anyone associated with Morrison Academy will result in discipline, up to and including termination of employment or enrollment. It is the responsibility of all employees, adult volunteers and students to report any suspected cases of child abuse.
In every confirmed case of sexual abuse committed by an employee the Board of Trustees will dismiss the employee with no possibility of reinstatement. Likewise, if any information unknown to Morrison Academy at the time of employment comes to light regarding prior conviction or confirmation through an investigation of child sexual abuse, the employee will be dismissed with no possibility of reinstatement. The Superintendent will report these cases to their certification agency and appropriate government agency in their passport country. Furthermore, the Superintendent may inform the school community.
Awareness of Harm to Children
Child abuse is any action by another person (adult or child) that causes significant harm to a child. Child abuse will not be tolerated at Morrison Academy whether it occurs child-to-child or adult-to-child. Child abuse can be perpetrated with or without the consent of the victim. It can occur in a one-on-one encounter or a group setting.
The World Health Organization states, “Child maltreatment is the abuse or neglect that occurs to children under 18 years of age. It includes all types of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect, negligence and commercial or other exploitation, which results in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship or responsibility, trust or power. Exposure to intimate partner violence is also sometimes included as a form of child maltreatment.”
Although the legal definition of child abuse refers to actions against individuals under the age of 18, Morrison Academy will also protect the rights and safety of students who are over the age of 18. All policies apply to current enrolled students.
The following factors will be considered in the response to child-to-child harmful behaviors: difference in age, responsibility, trust, power, development, awareness or understanding.
Types of Harmful Behaviors
Child Abuse and child-to-child inappropriate behavior are recognized under the following categories:
Physical Abuse: The inflicting of non-accidental physical trauma either by direct contact or indirect contact, such as through the use of an instrument, with the conscious or subconscious intention of hurting, controlling, or subduing a person(s) for purposes other than prescribed medical needs or non-excessive discipline. Such acts may include, but are not limited to: slapping, punching, beating, kicking, biting, shaking, burning, holding underwater, pulling hair, or holding against one’s will.
Emotional Abuse: All types of abuse and neglect harm children emotionally; however, the repeated use of insults, threats, intimidation, acts of injustice or indignity, spiritual manipulation, and/or physical means (contact or non-contact) against a person(s) that damages the confidence and self-esteem of the child, resulting in significant emotional disturbance or trauma. Emotional abuse can be verbal, written or online.
Sexual Abuse: Sexual abuse is the involvement of a child in sexual activity with an adult or another child (as defined above) which uses physical and/or emotional sexual stimuli or acts (visual, auditory, or physical) in the presence of an individual or upon an individual, with or without consent. This includes but is not limited to:
Grooming: befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, and sometimes the family, to lower the child’s inhibitions and to gain their trust for the purpose of sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or trafficking. This can be done face to face or online.
Exploitation: Any activity that takes advantage of a child that could harm his/her welfare and development. This includes, but is not limited to, sexual or commercial exploitation.
Neglect: The failure, refusal, or inability of a parent, guardian, legal custodian, or another person exercising temporary or permanent control over a child, for reasons other than poverty or war, to provide care, instruction, food, clothing, basic medical service, and shelter so as to seriously endanger the well-being of the individual.
Protection and Prevention
Morrison Academy will have a Child Safety Lead whose job it is to:
Students, parents or staff can contact the Child Safety Lead at the email.
The administrative procedure shall establish clear recommended practice for the following programs in accordance with CSPN recommended practice:
Morrison Academy will appoint one or more trusted and reliable adult confidants to receive complaints from individuals who believe that their child abuse report was not addressed. Confidants shall not have formal responsibilities at Morrison Academy. Confidants will report complaints to the Superintendent, who shall investigate the complaints. Confidants may also serve as independent observers of the process and findings of any extended investigations of child abuse.
A satellite campus is a campus operated by Morrison Academy, with five or fewer teachers. Responsibility for the campus lies with the designated administrator who is responsible to the Superintendent. With approval from the Superintendent, direct oversight of the campus may be delegated by the administrator to another staff member.
A campus is a school operated by Morrison Academy, which has more than seventy-five students, six or more teachers, and at least one administrator. Responsibility for the school lies with the administrator who is responsible to the Superintendent.